What if you could stay in a hotel where the room was an airstream??? Only in Berlin :::

“In a 200-square-meter vacuum-cleaner factory in Berlin’s Neukölln district, the creators of Hütten Palast have created a ‘playground’ of caravans and wooden huts, arranged haphazardly indoors to reconstruct what Germans call Schrebergartenglück, a term that can only be wordily translated as “the joy of spending some time in a small garden plot in the middle of many other small garden plots.” For a small fee, visitors can navigate a colorful campground and sample Berlin’s spirited countercultures, manifested in ad-hoc architectures and a community of cafes serving local fare. In essence, take the charm of an illegal Bushwick loft, eliminate glaring concerns about hygiene, and add an international community yearning for genuine encounters.” Architizer Blog

It’s like camping indoors!!! Cute and novel idea, but more privacy would be needed for me to actually stay here…

For more information on the hotel and to see more gallery pics, check out their site here.