This Takes Doodling to a Whole New Level

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Sagaki Keita | Illustrator and Artist from Tokyo

This 28-year-old artist, Sagaki Keita, was born in 1984 and lives and works out of his hometown in Tokyo. His intensely layered pen and ink illustrations consist of millions of expressive doodles that are so freely released on paper – yet he carries with each a pure intent of creating a fine art piece when complete.  The numerous myriad of these playful characters which are comprised of individual pen strokes and overlapping lines… these whimsical elements fill in the gaps or they are layered on top of each other to in the end make up shading on a cheekbone or create the shadows of muscle tones. Just absolutely brilliant – the technique! To see more of his work, click here.

::: Yep, these are drawings alright… done with a ballpoint blue Bic pen :::

Juan Francisco Casas is insanely talented! He takes photos out and about and then uses them as the inspiration for creating these drawings. Awesome!!!