Remember When This Pianist Played on a Floating Platform to Save the Arctic

Two years ago, world renowned pianist, Ludovico Einaudi, was surrounded by ice in the Arctic, as he performed on a floating platform this amazing piece called “Elegy for the Arctic.” I remembered then and even now when I listen how the goosebumps run up my arms and down my legs. The way he plays is so moving, and combine that with the scenery, makes this even an even more meaningful experience.

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Clever Logos Made with Numbers

There’s nothing more inspiring than seeing some clever “a-ha” moments within design, and in this case, logos. These are particularly special because they all have found unique ways to feature numbers within the brand. Some numbers have been integrated so we well into their composition, it’s almost as if you don’t immediately spot them… until you do, and then they instantly become memorable, and you want to see more and more. That’s the climatic experience every designer chases and craves once they get a taste of inspiration. It’s what makes this job so fun!

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Charcoal Drawings Created Through the Art of Dance

Heather Hansen puts her body into it, literally. She’s found a way to combine her love of dance and fine art, using her arms, legs and some beautifully choreographed dance postures and poses to create each drawing. The charcoal slowly and evenly drags on the paper underneath – in symmetrical patterns – as she fluidly changes positions from front to back, side to side, around and behind until her body finishes the overall design. Continue reading

Incredible Calligraphy, Drawn to Look Like It’s 3D

As a graphic designer, I have an EXTREME admiration to those who also appreciate typography and the skill behind it. The art of hand-drawn type – and even drawing on paper – is not something you witness in person as readily as you once did before our digital age. When’s the last time you noticed someone on the train or sitting in the park with their sketchbook? Scratch that. When’s the last time you looked up from your own phone to pay attention to what’s happening around you – to notice someone like Tolga Girgin who’s been going to town on a type rendering not two seats over from you in your favorite coffee shop.
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This Guy Uses the Beach as His Canvas

Andre Amador | Playa Painting

San Francisco, CA

Ever been one of the lucky ones to view these beachscapes in person? Andre Amador creates these patterned designs in sand, on the beach, during low tide, using a good ol’ rake and a piece of rope. The challenge is how temporary the medium is – he’s got a couple hours until the tide comes in and washes it away, so there’s no time to lose.

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